
Age 27, Male

wicked pissah

Joined on 6/16/13

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Soliloquous's News

Posted by Soliloquous - July 11th, 2016


Beakers x3, Erlenmeyer Flask, Florence Flask, Portable burner, Box of sulfur tip matches, 50 disposable pipettes, 50 syringes, 100 micropipette tips, 1 micropipette, 10 vials with 10 stoppers, 1L 95% ethanol, Bacterial plates x5, Box of 100 glass slides, one 50mL graduated cylinder, Mortar and Pestle, Wire Gauze 5x5cm, 6"x6" metal plate.


Posted by Soliloquous - June 20th, 2016






Posted by Soliloquous - June 18th, 2016


Posted by Soliloquous - April 4th, 2016

Also posting this just to signify that TrumpGrounds is no longer. It was a wild ride while it lasted. In my mourning I will be getting myself a copy of The Art of the Deal to, in private, learn the great works of Trump (PBUH).

Anyways, exams are coming up for me, so I'll be busying myself quite a bit. But this also means that afterwards I'll have all the time in my days available to devote to animation. I promise this next one will be probably my best - assuming I complete it with quality sufficient enough to portray my vision for it.

Posted by Soliloquous - April 3rd, 2016

Some people would say that it's deplorable. This is something that people say about it. Very sad people. These are very sad people indeed. But let me just say this once, as I've said it before. These people are a mess. These people are a waste. They are so weak, it's laughable.



Posted by Soliloquous - March 22nd, 2016

Well I dunno that it's fruitless. New animation on the way. Some festival(s) coming up and I think I might submit to them if the project is complete by then. Still messing around with another, sort of complete animation that I've been putting off uploading forever (I think I've been mentioning it well over a year now, but I can't be fucked to ever consider it finished for whatever reason). Anyways, I have been messing around with some audio stuff so I might end up being able to have my own soundtrack to the new thing, although I do have an idea for using an effortlessly made audio track that may just as well fit the bill. This next toon coming up is actually a collaborative effort and I got my boy mangesiumflint to work on the backdrops this time around. In terms of dates, I should have this next animation complete by July, considering that's when the festival I'm making it for is.

I might end up posting more art here because I've been doodling a bit lately and also I have quite literally books full of other drawings that I've never scanned/posted. Anyone who is also following me on tumblr should know that I disabled cookies and have them deleted on my browser so I guess as a result it doesn't log me in automatically.Q: Why am I telling you this? A: I'm a lazy fuck and I kind of forget which of my various passwords I used. Can't be bothered to test them all out as of yet and just in general I use newgrounds more often, so don't expect to see anything on tumblr any time in the next few months or so.

Posted by Soliloquous - November 10th, 2015

New animation? No, but I have some more weird writing that I figured I should post. School is taking all of my time, so I probably won't be uploading the animation until the break, but rest assured if I do find the time to, I will finally fix all my export issues and upload it. For now, weird spoken-word shit. This one is a bit more rhyme-ey. Don't expect any of it to make sense - gramatically or sensically. Enjoy.

The Lawyer's Lullaby
The aquarium channel plays downtairs
The fish swirling in a eyeball shape while they put the logs out for the next program
Fornicating teenagers sit on their desks at school chewing bubble gum and cursing
The world moves beneath them
They feel a faint tug on their shorts, is it purpose?
Someone trying to strip them
Perverted channeling upon the edges of the world, infinite in number
Holistically fashionable dragons flare up in their hind legs
The foot length of clown shoes miraculously dances swan in their oversized heads
A ghost sits in a chair growing out of the bowels of an abandoned apartment complex
He has friends, but they don't talk to him
Garlic teardrops fall from the face of a falsely accused vampire
While the jury makes their decision, they light the fire regardless
Pyre fire rises upon the spire that the vampire was placed in ire
Sire, I believe this man a liar
Neither! You're wired! Silence or you'll be fired!
The squire returns to his shire
The ire, vampire-fire pyre spire wires the liars sending them up on higher
The Crier-
Is end nigh - or do we just follow the same lies?
The prize - the gift of which we see fit while we discover endless amounts of twits
The size of the prize befits our eyes every time guys tell lies
So why advise to excise when fries and flipping burgers is easier
Piece-ier because for ten its only five
Why even bother because we're alive-
And well, as far as anyone can tell
If they think not they can go to hell
If we're the plural of prime we are prima
So why not die, cursed in emphysima?
Cancer, placed last in answers
Pay attention and you'll pass a dancer-
Chance her, she might think of you
But all will know that its far from true



Posted by Soliloquous - October 1st, 2015

Hey fam I wrote some stuff after listening to one of my favourite bands. Animation is just about ready to go and be shipped in a shiny case (as shiny as a .mov extension, meaning it is one of those). I swear to god the animation exists. Randy dandy tool and tubules, everyone.


Spectacular Inflation of Human Spirit to the Point of Rupture and Other Recipes
Passive veterans of Passchendaele sip from glasses taller then their eyes
The ghostly hand of regret caresses their scarred backs
Their shirt, a reflection of the work they do
A vessel in the overcompensating universe that should spin around us
A soul in the hand of an angel squirms and tries to escape
It does not want god
Intellectual libertarians gaze in awe and attempt introspective thoughtforms
Ghastly smoke dribbles out of the mouths of moderate liberals, angering god and devil alike
Hands of a fallen age reach up for the ankles of salvation
Achilles answers
Hello? Yes, this is Daniel
Plato sits idly and orders a pizza from Archipegalo
Pompeii inhabitants create a chorus of laughter amongst the ruins of New Hampshire
1814, The White House burns, a man in a red coat laughs in a crazed mix of self-hatred and happiness
Titration of sun drops sear the surface of the glass dome surrounding the south pacific
Fathers of a lost age laugh and have drinks at the center of the earth
Frothing mouths full of barley and hops attempt intelligent thought
Jehova keeps spots of mold in his back pocket for later use
The man who records and does math just presses his palm into the clay
This is the first criminal
Damnation and drugs surround a group of children wanting to grow up
A boy sits at a computer, eyes glued to the screen with industrial grade adhesive
Information creates a space in the back of the mind
A tumour, one that speaks
And a dog that lives an easy life
Impressive placeholders outpreform their predecessors
Dastardly farm animals leap from the mind of businessmen
They strike the pavement in an explosion of blood
Their entrails and waste carried by street cleaners
Swine spine covered in brine-inclined to do its homework
Passageways of terrible ham group in a checkerboard fashion
Trophic hierarchy, sriracha and chicken simplifies the world's difficult decisions
Finger painting is a way the government builds its database

Posted by Soliloquous - August 3rd, 2015

Was great! Had lots of fun, got to see some people from my film class again. The animation I submitted got some good feedback too. I'll be uploading that at a later date though, as I am still having some export issues (some lag/choppy-ness at the festival even). So, in terms of things to look forward to, there is that film. That film was in the works for a while and was made mostly in one 72 hour period of work. It will be my longest animation to date, around 2 whole minutes! It is also going to be my first work with voice and sound effects (though their quality I'm not certain of yet). Other than that, I still have another film that I've started and have concepts and a script for of which I'm really excited to see come to life.

Posted by Soliloquous - June 28th, 2015

Well, I submitted Dross to the TIFF Next Wave Jumpcuts festival and actually became a finalist so I got to have my work shown there which makes me very happy. No trophy this time (Graft had won 2 years prior, I just didn't want to mention it until now so its initial criticism wasn't swayed by anyone). The animation that won from the festival was very clever and well done, so there's nothing to be complaining about. God knows that girl could probably spend the bursary money better than I.

As for future work, I have plenty of excellent little films coming along. I should have another one finished and ready to hit the neogeo very soon, with another possible release after I decide whether I'm finished with it or not. Either way, one or both of these films will be showing at the Insomniac Film Festival in Toronto. Not sure if this is another opportunity for ca$h money, but having my work reach others on a big scale like that is reward enough. There is another third animation that I'm working on that's in its very early stages also.

In short: I saw that I had a couple new fans. Fear not. I'm still alive, so stay tuned.